

當你進入這座“free city”,你將發現自己處于一個和平時生活一樣的城市。你會找到學校,政府機構,私人公司,娛樂場所,銀行,購物廣場,法庭,警察局等 …………

你可以極力追求你的理想,找份好的工作,做生意,賺錢過活,買名車,公寓洋房,甚至結婚,擁有小孩,憑你的實力去過你要的生活。這些將幫助你累積分數,讓你 可以不停高攀到上流社會,成為成功人士或 名人, 從而進入政治領域,甚至參選成為這城市的“市長 ”,享受名利或再往上做富翁。





1. 願意接受耶穌為個人救主
2. 願意委身活出「目標導向」的人生
3. 願意委身全職事奉


LiFEgame is a creative simulation game of life that seeks to provide an environment for participants to discover God's purposes for their lives in this world. A "make-believe" world (a city) is set up in a camp or retreat environment where participants are given the opportunity to live out their whole lives however they wish. Starting at age 15, they begin to pursue their dream, get an education, find a job, buy their first car, purchase a house, get married, raise a family, and climb the ladder of success. Every hour they will age 5 years and they have to take care of their personal needs like food, clothing, health, etc. Like in real-life they may face health problems, accidents, fines, or even death as a result. No one knows how long they will live. Some might die prematurely while others may retire at a ripe old age before they meet their creator face to face.

LiFEgame is about living life and that's where the reality of the real world sets in. Eventually each participant question, "What's the point of life?" and that, is the whole point of the LiFEgame -an opportunity to discover God's purpose for living. Coupled with PurposeDriven Life workshops, small-group discussions, dramas, mimes, songs, videos, & messages, the LiFEgame challenges participants to make a commitment to Christ. On average, about 80% of the participants made one of these life-changing decisions. As of December 2007, some 32 LiFEgame camps have been conducted, impacting more than 6,000 lives for Christ ranging from youths to retirees.

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