生命营(LIFEgame Camp)是馬來西亞浸信會John Kwan牧師在廿多年前創作的模擬人生遊戲營,這個營會在生命衝擊事工(Life Impact Ministries )主持下,已經服侍了當地英語教會的數千名參加者。此外,這游戲已在新、馬、香港的教會傳開起來。每年都有教會邀請他們前去舉辦。这游戏更得到馬鞍峰教會(Saddleback Church)華理克牧師Rick Warren獲准授權應用目標驅動教導於營會中。
1. 幫助我們發覺生命的意義和目的
2. 幫助我們實現神的偉大使命和誡命
LiFEgame is a creative simulation game of life developed by Pastor John Kwan that seeks to provide an environment for participants to discover God's purposes for their lives in this world. A "make-believe" world (a city) is set up in a camp or retreat environment where participants are given the opportunity to live out their whole lives however they wish.
LiFEgame is about living life and that's where the reality of the real world sets in. Eventually each participant question, "What's the point of life?" and that, is the whole point of the LiFEgame -an opportunity to discover God's purpose for living. Coupled with small-group discussions, dramas, mimes, songs, videos, & messages, the LiFEgame challenges participants to make a commitment to Christ. For the last few years, God has impacted more than 11,000 lives throughout Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and Indonesia ranging from youths to retirees.
LiFEgame is about living life and that's where the reality of the real world sets in. Eventually each participant question, "What's the point of life?" and that, is the whole point of the LiFEgame -an opportunity to discover God's purpose for living. Coupled with small-group discussions, dramas, mimes, songs, videos, & messages, the LiFEgame challenges participants to make a commitment to Christ. For the last few years, God has impacted more than 11,000 lives throughout Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and Indonesia ranging from youths to retirees.
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